Welcome to Qwik

Qwik is a new kind of web framework that can deliver instant loading web applications at any size or complexity. Your sites and apps can boot with about 1kb of JS (regardless of application complexity), and achieve consistent performance at scale.

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Qwik Goals


Qwik can be used to build any type of web site or application


Unlike other frameworks, Qwik is resumable which means Qwik applications require 0 hydration. This allows Qwik apps to have instant-on interactivity, regardless of size or complexity

Optimized for speed

Qwik has unprecedented performance, offering sub-second full page loads even on mobile devices. Qwik achieves this by delivering pure HTML, and incrementally loading JS only as-needed.

Getting Started with Qwik

Does page speed really matter?

Put simply: slow sites deter visitors, costing businesses millions. Fast sites have better SEO, better UX, and are more profitable.

Some examples from web.dev:

Every 100ms faster → 1% more conversions
For Mobify, every 100ms decrease in homepage load speed worked out to a 1.11% increase in session-based conversion, yielding an average annual revenue increase of nearly $380,000.
50% faster → 12% more sales
When AutoAnything reduced page load time by half, they saw a boost of 12% to 13% in sales.
20% faster → 10% more conversions
Retailer Furniture Village audited their site speed and developed a plan to address the problems they found, leading to a 20% reduction in page load time and a 10% increase in conversion rate.
40% faster → 15% more sign-ups
Pinterest reduced perceived wait times by 40% and this increased search engine traffic and sign-ups by 15%.
850ms faster → 7% more conversions
COOK reduced average page load time by 850 milliseconds which increased conversions by 7%, decreased bounce rates by 7%, and increased pages per session by 10%.
1 seconds slowness → 10% less users
The BBC found they lost an additional 10% of users for every additional second their site took to load.
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